Guillaume MayinFuture HumanHow Humanity’s Use of Antibiotics Is Engineering the Perfect SuperbugIt’s time to take steps to avoid the antibiotic apocalypseMar 12, 20213Mar 12, 20213
Guillaume MayinPredictScientists are engineering the immune system to be more aggressive towards cancer cellsAn explanation of PD-1 blockade and its applications for cancer immunotherapyFeb 21, 20212Feb 21, 20212
Guillaume MayinILLUMINATIONThis is Why You May Feel More Significant Side Effects from your Second Vaccine ShotIt’s a sign that your immune system is properly functioningFeb 20, 20211Feb 20, 20211
Guillaume MayinAge of AwarenessOcean Acidification — This Is Far Worse Than Sea Levels RisingIf we lose plankton, the rest of the food web will undergo catastrophic collapseFeb 2, 2021Feb 2, 2021
Guillaume MayinILLUMINATIONCAR-T Cell Therapy Enhances the Immune System and is the Closest We Are to a Cancer VaccineAn explanation of CAR-T Cell immunotherapy and its applications for treating cancerJan 29, 20211Jan 29, 20211
Guillaume MayinPredictScientists Have Genetically Engineered Two Babies, Providing Complete Immunity to HIV/AIDSAn explanation of the mechanisms behind how the CCR5 delta32 mutation confers immunity to HIV/AIDSJan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021